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Hospitales y Clínicas
( Fox Valley Listing of Hospitals and Clinics)


PCHC Medical Site

1814 N. Appleton Road
Menasha, WI 54952

Phone: (920) 731-7445


8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday


Partnership Community Health Center Appleton

PCHC Dental Site

5337 W. Grande Market Drive
Appleton, WI 54915

Phone: (920) 731-7445


7:45 AM – 7:00 PM Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Friday and Saturday


Acceso a Cuidado Familiar

Block Health Education
621 West Lawrence Street
Appleton, WI 54911 (920) 882-6420


9:00AM – 4:30 PM
Monday/Lunes –  Friday/Viernes


Children's Hospital of Wisconsin-Fox Valley
130 Second Street, PO Box 476
Neenah, WI 54956

Clinic Address
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Clinics-Fox Valley
Medical Office Building, Suite 480
200 Theda Clark Medical Plaza
Neenah, WI 54956

Hospital: (920) 969-7900
Clinic: (920) 969-7970
Spanish Language Line (para espanol): (414) 266-2803 (Milwaukee)

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Appleton Medical Center
1818 N. Meade Street
Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: 920-738-6300
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New London Family
Medical Center
1405 Mill Street
New London, WI 54967
Phone: 920-531-2000

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St. Elizabeth Hospital
1506 S. Oneida Street
Appleton, WI 54915
Phone: 920-738-2100

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Theda Clark Medical Center
130 2nd Street
Neenah, WI 54956
Phone: 920-729-2063

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